Arthur Bailey

55 Lilyfield Road Rozelle NSW 2039
Phone: 02 9555 1588
Fax: 02 9555 9130

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Privacy Statement


Arthur Bailey Surgico Pty Ltd website abides by strict privacy guidelines (Privacy Act 1998) to ensure that the user’s privacy is respected and maintained at all times.

This is a cookie free site.

Statistical Browsing Data
Statistical page data is collected on the use of this website. However users cannot be individually identified with respect to browsing behaviour when using the site, nor can individual users browsing data be collected or analysed. Statistical data is only collected to gain insight into what pages are popular on the website and collect numerical statistics on each page.

Arthur Bailey Surgico Pty Ltd may also contact you via direct email or newsletter to inform you of new or related products which you have either indicated interest in, or purchased previously from this website. Your transactional details or purchasing behaviour will never be sold or provided to a third-party.

This web site uses scripting to enable feedback via our electronic contact form.

This site may collect personally identifiable information, including your name and email details, when submitting a standard e-mail or using the e-mail contact form. These details are collected when a visitor to this site chooses to send an e-mail to Arthur Bailey Surgico Pty Ltd and chooses to include their personal details.

The information collected through email will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it. Your details will not be added to any third-party mailing list and we will not use your e-mail address or other personal information for any other purpose. Arthur Bailey Surgico Pty Ltd will not disclose this information without your consent, unless required by law.

External sites that are linked to or from this web site are not under our control and you are advised to review their privacy statement. Users should note there are inherent risks associated with transmission of information via the Internet. Therefore users should make there own assessment of the potential risks to the security of their information when making a decision as to whether or not they should utilise external sites that are linked to or from this web site.